How To Use A  SWR / Wattmeter Meter

To use an SWR meter:

   Step 1: Put the SWR / CAL switch in the forward position or SWR cal position, and rotate the calibration control until the meter needle is at the right of the meter to where the meter needle align up with CAL or ,

   Step 2: Then put the SWR / CAL switch in the reflected position or SWR position to get the SWR reading. So if the SWR meter reading is near 1, you got a good antenna impedance match to the transmitter; or if SWR meter reading is over 3 in the red on the meter, you got an antenna impedance mismatch, and cease transmission.

To use a directional coupling wattmeter:

  Step 1: Make sure you select the right wattmeter coupling slug that is in the right range for the wattage and frequency.

  Step 2: To read reflected power, turn wattmeter coupling slug to where the arrow point to toward the wattmeter jack where the transmitter is connected to.

  Step 3: To read the foward power: turn wattmeter coupling slug to where the arrow point to toward the wattmeter jack where the antenna is connected to.

  Step 4: So if the reflected power meter reading is 1% or less of the forward power reading, you got a very good antenna impedance match to the transmitter; or if the reflected power meter reading is over 25% of the forward power reading, you got an antenna impedance mismatch, and cease transmission.

To use a cross needle wattmeter:

  Step 1: Make sure the selector switch on the wattmeter is on the right wattage range.

  Step 2: To read SWR, watch where the 2 meter needles cross over the SWR grad marks. So if the SWR meter reading is near 1, you got a good antenna impedance match to the transmitter; or if the SWR meter reading is over 3 in the red on the meter, you got an antenna impedance mismatch, and cease transmission.

  Step 3: The read forward power or reflected power, read the the meter needles individually on either the forward power or reflected power wattage grad marks on the meter.

  Step 4: So if the reflected power meter reading is 1% or less of the forward power reading, you got a good antenna impedance match to the transmitter; or if the reflected power meter reading is over 25% of the forward power reading, you got an antenna impedance mismatch, and cease transmission.

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